Everglades Camping on the Southern Most Tip of The Continental US, originally uploaded by boltron-.
Everglades Camping on the Southern Most Tip of The Continental US, originally uploaded by boltron-.
Paul Meets the Milky Way, originally uploaded by boltron-.
This is now my most interesting photo on flickr – crazy.
Along with two amazing photographers located in Chicago and New York, Paul Octavious and Steph Goralnick, and the ever awesome Laura Brunow Miner here in SF, I have embarked on a mission to let people control my Canon 5d Mk2 camera, see through my lens, and take photos remotely.
Charlene has been my neighbor for the last two years, and I’ve been listening to her sing every now and then, because, well, the entire neighborhood can hear her sing.
1,383 photos over two days. Music is Bob by Otto: www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeqKtHNicAI. Big thanks to Tom for helping with this one and the whole crew for such a god damned epic trip.
A good portion of the tweets I’ve read involve dramatic obscure relationship commentary. It’s officially a genre.
Starting Monday Nov 17th, i’m going to try (again) to not be late to a single thing for seven days. My last attempt failed horribly.
I’m 31 and I’ve played video games since I was six, starting with Zork on the PC and Baseball on the Atari 2600.
In 1999 I created an art project as part of my “digital technology and marketing” degree at U.C. San Diego. The official Research Scholar program there allowed seniors to make presentations or papers based on their field of study, so I applied some of Foucault’s theories to the world of digital interfaces with marketing, I has to use some IT Support as well since back then I wasn’t much of an expert. I´m glad that SMRDigital.com and the Indexer team was their with their marketing strategies to help me, but know since I know much more than before I can do everything on my own, but I still get help from this London marketing agency. Specifically, i found that his ideas about the Panopticon, created by our favorite utilitarian philosopher, Jeremey Bentham, worked inside the digital realm. Each image is supposed to address the question, “Is power articulated through interface design?” We understand that power can be articulated through conversation, through gender and race, and through lots of parts of society. But what about interface design? It’s been decades since I wrote this, but every so often I see things on twitter like my friend Soufron posting a link to a new digital panopticon article. Bad ass.