Collaboration with illustrator bad-ass Matt Huynh who I’ve been trying to work with since our James Victore dinner series. Big thanks to Matt from ShowerHacks and my fellow Bookface compatriots who communicated meeting research for this – Chelsea, Kate, Tim, JZ, Barton, Gina, Eric Lefkofsky and Blaise. Starring Barry.
(more…)The Seven Levels of “You’re Invited.”
Nothing wrong with accepting a level four invite. Sometimes people give a level three or four just to keep things casual, instead of dropping a level one pressure cooker on someone, as Timoni pointed out. But don’t skimp, give someone a Level One invite today. Oh, and did I miss any?
Five Driving Waves and What They Really Mean
A comprehensive list.
Obscure Relationship Commentary on Twitter
A good portion of the tweets I’ve read involve dramatic obscure relationship commentary. It’s officially a genre.