The Seven Levels of “You’re Invited.”

Nothing wrong with accepting a level four invite. Sometimes people give a level three or four  just to keep things casual, instead of dropping a level one pressure cooker on someone, as Timoni pointed out. But don’t skimp, give someone a Level One invite today. Oh, and did I miss any?

Level 1) I’ll only go to this thing if you’ll go with me. – Sir Grubb

Level 2) I’m going to this thing and I’d love it if you came too.

Level 3) We’re going to this thing. Wanna come too?

Level 4) We’re going to this thing. You should totally go (you shouldn’t).

Level 5) You’re welcome to join.

Level 6) I have to check with so and so, but I guess you can come. – Jay Zombie

Level 6a) We might have room for you, I’m just not totally sure. Things are so crazy I’ll definitely let you know, though.

Level 7) Just find me on Foursquare.